Hi Friends,
It has been quite awhile since my last post. I have missed posting and visiting your blogs also but I just haven't been up to it. Life has definitely changed. For the last 2 months I have had my daughter and my 3 year old granddaughter living with us and it has been challenging. Quiet time just doesn't exist anymore and it's so hard to concentrate on writing or reading posts when you have a little girl that just loves to talk and talk and talk...LOL!! I do miss all of you!
A couple of weeks ago, my hubby and I decided we MUST get out and spend some time alone together. No noise, no disruptions...just us. We enjoyed the day so much we discussed not returning home ever again...lol...just kidding. But we definitely joked about it.
We decided to visit Creemore, a small town about 1 1/2 hours away from home. My co-worker told me it's a quaint little town with interesting shops, etc. so I thought, why not. I was ready to visit somewhere different.
We had a beautiful drive there. We found some beautiful back roads, dirt roads that wound back and forth, up and down hills through both forests and fields. I didn't want to leave the area, it was so peaceful and we definitely needed that. We live very close to the Niagara Escarpment so there are some great hills to go up and down and different rivers to cross. We decided to take this drive again in Autumn, it will be gorgeous!
Unfortunately, I forgot to take some pictures of the main street but did obtain photos of the little jail. The sign states it's the smallest jail in North America.
The jail has 3 cells.
I love the door to the jail. Very rustic.
One of my dreams has been to live in a rustic cabin, I think this one is beautiful.
While there, we also visited a small flea market and the main street shops. My hubby mostly stayed outside and waited for me to browse through the shops, what a wonderful guy!
One shop in particular caught my eye. It was a small shop full of character and charm. The front of the store was full of wonderful antiques such as dough bowls and buckets, ironstone, old sack cloths and many other items. The store itself was from "yesteryear". Unfortunately, the items in the store were out of my price range as they're priced to sell to the many visitors they get from the city. I enjoyed the experience all the same...I didn't want to leave. In the back of the store were milk paints, etc. As I couldn't quite decide on a colour of paint, the shop owner took me outside to show me one of her projects. We went through a quaint iron gate before winding our way through her beautiful perennial garden. At the back, she was working on an old farm table, how I would have loved to have taken that table home. She had painted the legs on it and there it was, the exact colour of paint I was looking for. SOLD!!!! I went in and bought some paint, antiquing wax and a brush for some future projects which I can't wait to start.

After we finished shopping, we went to a small diner, the food was delicious.
When we were ready to leave we thought...where do we go now? We weren't ready to go home yet. We decided to drive over to another town and found an antique store there. I found a wonderful antique mirror which will fit perfectly into my farmhouse decor. As it is a pale green, I may use my new paint to change the frame colour although I love the chippy look of the old paint. I can't believe the weight of this antique mirror considering it's small, it's definitely old.
Here's a close up view of the chippy paint.
On the way home, we tried to find the road that we originally came in on but no such luck. There had been so many twists and turns that we couldn't find it although I'm sure we were close. What we did find were other roads that were different but also very beautiful. I'm so glad we got to experience this.
This is looking down at Georgian Bay from up on the Niagara Escarpment.
You can see land off in the distance.
I love old bridges.
Some people in kayaks peacefully paddling down the river.
Another old bridge.
Thanks for dropping in, I'm always thrilled to have you. I hope you enjoyed your visit to a small part of Ontario, Canada.
~ Kelly ~