Recently, my hubby and I decided to take our granddaughter, Lily, out to cut down a Christmas tree, we thought it would be an amazing experience for her. Although I grew up with real trees for Christmas and have always loved them, sometime through the years I converted to a fake tree. It was just easier I guess and they hold the heaviest of decorations. Every few years I would buy a real one but would convert back to the fake one again. When my hubby and I moved to the country, we were determined to have a real tree. it took the third Christmas here to do it but we finally did. I didn't realize until that day that although my hubby grew up with real trees, they were always purchased at a store. He had never actually cut one down. He thoroughly enjoyed the experience as did Lily.
The day was absolutely perfect. The snow was falling all around us but it wasn't too cold. We were way back on the farm with the forest surrounding us. It was beautiful!!! The only thing missing was a thermos of hot cocoa. Lily had an absolutely amazing time.
Lily waiting anxiously for Poppa to pull her on the toboggan to see the Christmas trees. She was sooo excited.
The determination of a 3 year old. She was only able to pull the tree a few inches on her own before she asked Poppa for help. Look at her form! That girl knows how to get it done lol.
The tree waiting to be decorated...what do you see?
My Christmas Village.
Life has been busy and hectic again. Not only have I not had the concentration to blog, I haven't had the concentration to visit all of your wonderful blogs either. I was so looking forward to seeing what everyone was posting for the Christmas season and keeping up with your lives. In the mean time, I think I need to catch up with mine lol!

One of the busy times recently was on November 17 when my daughter welcomed her second child, Morgan (a boy) into the world. Lily is now a big sister and absolutely loves the role. They are still living with us and it can be quite difficult some days as we're tripping over each other. The original plan was for them to move out sooner but that has been delayed. Needless to say, our home renovating has been placed on hold for the last 7 months and will have to wait a bit longer. I can still dream though.
During this time period we also lost our water supply due to a hole in the line coming from the well, eventually the water stopped running to the house altogether. We had many days of lugging water from the store just so we could continue to live in our house. I have to was NOT FUN! Our plan was to put a new line in but after digging up the yard, the line to the house wasn't located. There goes my lawn and garden. Our neighbour was absolutely wonderful in using his backhoe and only charging us for gas as it could have cost hundreds of dollars otherwise. We have quite the mess to clean up in the Spring. In the end, the line could only be repaired. I hope we don't have any other issues with it.
Our pretty boy with the Christmas candle.
I want to wish EVERYONE a Very, Merry Christmas. May God bless you and yours through this holiday season. Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season.